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Hang in there! - Lockdown health tips and financial help

As the rest of the country shifts down to Level 2.5 eating takeaways again, the Auckland Level 4 Lockdown saga continues as cases are still popping up.

Though we New Zealanders know this Lockdown won't last forever, its hard not to feel uneasy - and that's completely fine.

For the most of us adults, the essential trip to the supermarket can feel like a breath of fresh air in and otherwise exhausting routine of chores, children, and working from home.

As we now have loads of time to ourselves at home, its good to keep an eye on the wellbeing of you and your loved ones. Here are a few tips on keeping you and your family physically and financially well during the Lockdown.

Try sticking to healthy habits

Its very temping to dive in junk food and alcohol during this time. But never fear we are here to help! Check out Covid and Alcohol - they know that during these lockdowns, its tempting to drink more to relieve the stress. They offer a bunch of useful information and contacts on how to manage habits during these times.

Exercise can work wonders for our mental health in stressful times. I've never seen so many people out walking out in the suburbs nowadays. If you're able to get outside for daily exercise, you may well find it helps release those "good mood" endorphins. There are also many indoor alternative exercises such as yoga and pilates to name a couple. This could even be a chance to try out a new exercise - extreme lounge parkour anyone?

If your income has been affected, here are a few tips and links to help:

If you can’t work at the moment, have lost your job, or are working fewer hours, there is assistance on hand

• You may be able to get a benefit or some other financial help from Work and Income.

• If you’re struggling to pay your rent or your bills, you might be able to get some help – even if you’re still working or on a low income.

• Work and Income can also help you look for work or training and help with the costs of getting started in a new job.

If you’re sick or need time off work because of COVID-19

If you’re being tested for COVID-19, it’s important you stay home until your results come back. If you can’t work from home, your employer may be able to apply for the Short-Term Absence

Payment to help them pay you.

If you’ve been told to self-isolate because you or someone you’ve been in contact with has COVID-19, and you can’t work from home, your employer may be able to apply for the Leave Support Scheme to help them keep paying you.

Talk to your employer about the help that’s available so you can keep getting paid. If you’re self-employed and can’t work from home, you can also apply for these payments.

If you need help with essential costs

Depending on your situation, there are lots of other ways we may be able to help you and your family. You don’t need to be on a benefit to get help, it’s also available to people on a low income. Work and Income could help with:

Find out more

Even if you don’t think you qualify, call us to talk about your situation.

You can also visit Work and Income's site and Check what you might get.

For more information


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